Background Info
Imagine is a song written by English rock musician John Lennon, and was released in 1971. Lennon had declared that "Imagine" was as good as anything he had ever written with the Beatles. This meaningful song was brought about during one of the most turbulent times in our history, the Vietnam War.
Song Interpretation
The amazing part of the song was how Lennon established the melodic piano and light use of other instruments which made the song feel very personable as if he was speaking only to you. The song, in my opinion, asks us to think of the possibilities in imagining the world as a better place and that we could actually make it come true.
To watch a video of Imagine (original):
To watch a recent rendition of Imagine (sung by Connie Talbot):
Score (click to enlarge)

Lyrics (click to enlarge)

Vocabulary of the lyrics
By looking at the lyrics, one may have a sense of how the music should feel like: Each of the three verses begins "Imagine" and answers with an empathetic comment.
This sounds like crescendo of challenges that forms the opening of each verse is answered by a similar set of three imaginings to close each verse:
Imagine all the people...
1. living for today
2. sharing all the world
3. living life in peace
More to come...
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